Letter to the editor — December 8, 2016

Dear editor,

My name is Maddox Johnson, I am 12 years old and from Humboldt, Kansas. There are many reasons why we should have this bike lane on 9th Street.

I’m a kid after all. I’m one of the people who always rides their bike around town. My friends and I ride on 9th Street a lot more than any of the other streets. Either to go to the store, park, convenience stores, or the pool. I know for a fact that 9th Street isn’t safe for kids. My friends and I have had a few near misses in the days that we’ve rode on 9th Street. I think putting in the multi-user lane on 9th Street would be safer and more fun for all kids. I could also guarantee you that there are only a small percentage of kids who know what side of the road to ride on. With the multi-user lane all kids would know where to ride. I would hate to see another family have their child injured by a car because you didn’t see the big picture. Everyone would be safe and know that they are safe if you implemented the multi-user lane on 9th Street.

Thank you,


Maddox Johnson,


6th grader from Humboldt
